Tuesday 27 March 2012

20 Ways to Stay Motivated


Bem-vindo ao nosso website! Enquanto for navegando pelo nosso site, irá ter uma ideia mais abrangente do que nós fazemos para os nossos clientes, os nossos planos de crescimento e visão e, finalmente as oportunidades disponíveis para os futuros clientes e parceiros de negócio.

A Internacional Marketing é uma empresa especializada em marketing promocional, sem fins lucrativos, nas áreas da banca, caridade, telecomunicações e indústrias de hospitalidade. Com mais de 20 filiais na Inglaterra, País de Gales, Escócia, Irlanda do Norte, Espanha, Portugal e Itália ajudamos as organizações e empresas como a sua a aumentar a quota de mercado, programas de teste piloto, identificar e envolver audiências-alvo, aumentar a consciencialização da marca e construir relacionamentos significativos com aqueles que são mais os importantes: os seus clientes, doadores e apoiantes.

A indústria da publicidade, da  promoção e do marketing directo provou ser à prova da recessão, razão pela qual a IMP se expandiu tão rapidamente.  Acreditamos que a razão do nosso sucesso é baixo para a qualidade das pessoas que trabalham lado a lado e, posteriormente,  a qualidade do serviço que podemos fornecer aos nossos clientes.  A nossa missão é continuar a liderar o caminho com um objectivo sempre em mente e, expandir para todas as grandes cidades na Europa, de forma a satisfazer o nosso compromisso com os clientes existentes, bem como os futuros.
Depois de ler o nosso site, será claro para si a forma como nós nos movimentamos no mercado e mantendo um alto padrão de serviço com os nossos clientes.  A partir daqui poderá ver como é que ajudaríamos a alcançar todos os seus objectivos e ajudar a sua empresa a alcançar novos horizontes.

Hoje em dia, numa economia global complexa e interligada, a publicidade já não é o que era. Os consumidores têm agora mais variedade do que tiveram outrora,  o que significa que para obter a sua atenção nos mercados é preciso ser-se inteligente. Os meios de comunicação social, os emails, os anúncios e a internet prometem uma versão mais recente dos produtos e serviços. Através dos diferentes meios de comunicação, as marcas tentam personalizar os seus produtos e apresentá-los de forma a destacarem-se dos seus concorrentes. O cliente e a base de doadores de hoje não se consideram como sendo um consumidor de mercadorias ou apoiantes casuais, eles são, acima de tudo, indivíduos conscientes, defensores de marcas e embaixadores de causas.

Como empresa compreendemos a natureza da economia actual e quão difícil é fazer tudo em casa de uma forma rentável e eficiente.  É por isto que tantas empresas nos subcontratam. Como entregamos,  directamente, aos nossos clientes produtos e serviços para seus potenciais consumidores, podemos adaptar a nossa abordagem e os serviços a esses indivíduos.  Esta abordagem tem a vantagem de podermos acompanhar os nossos resultados, pois estes acabam por ser  imediatos, ao contrário das formas tradicionais de marketing como o rádio, a TV e a imprensa.

Entendemos esta luta e, comprometemo-nos em conectar com os clientes numa abordagem relacionamento de interacção, que assegura não só um aumento da consciência da sua marca, mas também o crescimento da base do cliente e do doador de indivíduos reais com o mesmo tipo de visão. É disto que grandes empresas e organizações são construídas.
 Se você acha que a sua empresa tem produtos ou serviços que nós podemos distribuir,  entre em contacto com o seguinte email: admin@internationalmarketingpt.com

Hoje em dia são já muitas as empresas que têm muito cuidado onde gastam o seu orçamento no que toca à publicidade. Cada cêntimo deve ser bem contabilizado e bem investido de forma a maximizar os resultados. A IMP compreende isto e é por isso que temos tantas opções, com os programas piloto oferecemos a possibilidade de lançar uma campanha de longo prazo na aquisição de clientes.  A razão para que isto seja assim é que a fase experimental de uma nova campanha passa por garantir todos os interesses que podemos gerar. A estratégia perfeita para cada cliente não pode ser descoberta durante a noite e, é por isso que há que analisar os resultados à medida que vamos avançando.  Uma vez que o programa piloto é bem sucedido, então o cliente tem a oportunidade de lançar uma campanha nacional ou internacional, através de nossos associados cuidadosamente escolhidos.

A razão pela qual temos uma carteira de clientes em crescimento é que cada vez mais clientes se apercebem da eficácia das empresas de outsourcing para as suas vendas e para as necessidades do marketing. Se os Directores e os Gerentes não têm experiência neste campo, acaba por ser difícil aconselhar os outros. Nós temos o conhecimento, o foco e a abrangência internacional para ajudar a base de clientes da empresa, de forma a expandir os seus horizontes. A forma como desenvolvemos as nossas campanhas é específica para o cliente e indústria na qual se especializaram. Isto fará com que sejamos um embaixador para a sua empresa.

Na IMP o nosso grande objectivo é expandir a base de clientes das empresas.

O Director da IMP começou, inicialmente, nos Estados Unidos da América, trabalhando com hospitalidade, desportos e a indústria de entretenimento. Em 2007 a decisão foi a de expandir para o mercado do Reino Unido. Com este grande crescimento, tivemos a oportunidade de nos expandirmos para mais localidades e também explorar mais indústrias. O facto de termos alcançado resultados espantosos na forma como gerámos consumidores para os nossos clientes, preparou-nos para partir em direcção ao mercado Europeu. E foi isto que a IMP fez! Em Setembro de 2010 abrimos o nosso primeiro escritório em Madrid e, no espaço de um ano a expansão chegou a Valência e Barcelona. A IMP tem grandes objectivos e não passou muito tempo para que Portugal estivesse na nossa lista e, poucas semanas depois, o novo escritório abriu as suas portas em Lisboa.

O facto dos nossos serviços abrangerem as aquisições cara a cara e gerando novos consumidores para os nossos clientes, estes estão agora a fazer pressão para nos expandirmos para 40 localidades nos próximos 24 meses.  

Thursday 22 March 2012

Rua dos Fanqueiros, nº. 277, 2º. E. 1100-213 Lisboa (Junto à Praça da Figueira),

Rua dos Fanqueiros, nº. 277, 2º. E. 1100-213 Lisboa (Junto à Praça da Figueira),


IMP comments on Raspberry Pi buyers who face delay after factory mistake
IMP comments on Raspberry Pi buyers who face delay after factory mistake


PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 20, 2012 - Manufacturing problems will mean the first batches of the Raspberry Pi computer, aimed at helping people learn programming will be delayed; this is due to a complication with the circuit boards.

Released in late February, the Raspberry Pi has been developed to be a cheap computer that will help children and other beginners get to grips with computer programming but a mistake meant that the wrong type of networking jack was soldered into place on some of the circuit boards.  Raspberry Pi announced on its blog “Some of the parts making up the first batch of the model Bs had been accidentally switched in the Chinese factory where they are being made.” A source for IMP has said “Raspberry Pi is a computer designed in budget range for everyone in order for them to understand computer programming; this complication has come at a bad time as anyone wanting to buy one can now only register their interest rather than place an order and wait until more stock is received.”
This is the first batch to be released of the Raspberry Pi’s; the design is a small like credit card sized computer, the machine is available in two models, model A without networking and a model B that comes with a network jack. Raspberry Pi announced on its blog “Production has been outsourced to China in a bid to keep costs of the bare-bones machine in check.” Unfortunately, the factory soldered on the wrong type of jack which, if left in place, would leave the gadget unable to connect to a computer network. A source for IMP has said “This is a mistake that can be easily rectified, unfortunately it means that their could possibly be a delay on future gadgets as large stocks of he wrong product were bought” Swapping the wrong jacks for the right ones on the boards that were already made up was a "minor problem to fix", said Raspberry Pi. However, it added, there might be a delay for future gadgets as it sought sources of the correct component.

"We are very, very sorry," wrote Raspberry Pi community manager Liz Upton on the organisation's blog. IMP has said “We can see that Raspberry Pi have acknowledged the mistakes they have made and hopefully as a company they can learn from these and move on to distribute these computers and their future gadgets” The bare-bones computer project has proved hugely popular and the websites of two of the firms contracted to build the machines crashed when the Pi went on general sale. All three firms that signed up to distribute the machine have sold their initial stock.


http://www.prfire.co.uk/marketing/internet-users-in-port ...


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The customer and donor base of today don't view themselves as a consumer of goods or casual supporters; they are conscious discerners, advocates of brands and ambassadors of causes.

International Marketing Portugal Logs On To Europe’s Largest Rare Disease Database
International Marketing Portugal Logs On To Europe’s Largest Rare Disease Database


PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 06, 2012 - For a decade, Portugal has been quietly compiling the largest database relating to rare diseases in Europe. The project caters for around 600,000 patients, and comprises a wealth of information on everything relating to rare diseases, from orphan medicines to new projects and support groups. The Orphanet website (http://www.orpha.net) managed by Lusa News Agency, was launched in 2002. The website is currently run from Oporto’s Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology. We spoke to a source from International Marketing Portugal, a Lisbon-based sales and marketing company, who said, “The website is an extremely useful resource for sufferers of rare diseases, and helps to improve treatments and diagnosis. Rare diseases are often misdiagnosed, and this can severely affect the lives of the sufferers. It’s great that a resource like this exists.”

Jorge Pinto Basto, coordinator of the project said, “The team gathers data on a national level and one of this website’s particularities is it’s target-public, because it is created to be accessible and have useful information both for professionals and for the general public, namely patients and their families.”  According to the supervisors, the objective is that anyone who accesses the site can find an answer to their questions or as a last resort can contact the team directly. Pinto Basto added, “Generally these questions relate to information about a particular disease which affects a person or a member of their family. They also look for information about treatment or where they could find it.”  Our International Marketing Portugal source added that the site “provides answers to questions patients might not be able to find elsewhere, and about which they might even have been misinformed, making it a useful tool.”

According to information from the Portuguese Federation for Rare Diseases (FEDRA), rare diseases are classified as such when they affect fewer than five in every 10,000 people. “It is estimated that there are between five thousand and eight thousand different rare diseases, altogether affecting up to six percent of the population, which means there are up to 600,000 people with these pathologies in Portugal”, information on the website explains. Information from FEDRA suggest that 25 percent of rare disease patients have to wait between five and thirty years for a diagnosis that confirms the disease, from the moment the first symptoms occur, and that 40 percent of patients are initially wrongly diagnosed.

“This resource could help to shorten the diagnosis times for people with rare diseases,” said our source at International Marketing Portugal, “This could ease a lot of suffering for both them and their families, and help them to get appropriate treatment too.”

“There is still a long way to go” in Portugal, with regards to rare diseases, said Orphanet’s management. They also added that the current economic circumstances “do not help.” Nonetheless, Jorge Pinto Basto sees Orphanet as a successful project, given that it has contributed towards a greater knowledge, both for medical professionals and for society as a whole, in relation to the problem of rare diseases, helping patients to quickly find a way to a quicker diagnosis.


I.M.P. wary of a fast food culture
IMP, a marketing firm based in Lisbon, is understandably wary of Portugal become a fast food-obsessed society.


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 29, 2012 - Source: http://www.theportugalnews.com/cgi-bin/article.pl?id=1152-9

A recent study has revealed a worrying increase in the amount of fast food being consumed by the people of Portugal, with the take-away meal becoming the consumable foodstuff to show any significant growth between 2010 and 2011.
IMP, a marketing firm based in Lisbon, is understandably wary of Portugal become a fast food-obsessed society. “It’s an effect of the struggling economy,” said Managing Director Christoph Grizzard. “People are working harder to try and make ends meet. And the harder they work, the less time they have to prepare and eat proper meals.”
The study, presented in Lisbon and carried out by the Kantar Worldpanel, seems to back Mr Grizzard’s suspicions, stating in its findings that Portuguese people are “opting more and more to eat at home in the most convenient way possible.” Kantar’s marketing director, Paulo Caldeira, went on to say that take-away food was “cheaper than going to a restaurant . . . people don’t have the time to cook.”
Kantar highlighted seven cities on the Iberian Peninsula, including Oporto and Lisbon, which represents twenty-eight percent of the population, and around thirty-two percent of the value of consumption in that region. The general consensus among consumers seems to favour speed and easy preparation, with thirteen percent of those questioned saying they often bought ready meals to take home. Kantar say this is due to the average Portuguese consumer being a “smart, down trading shopper” who “chooses cheaper options”.
“We are talking about a consumer who has managed to reduce their expenses,” said Mr Caldeira. “Despite inflation reaching three-point-seven percent, family expenses have only increased one-point-three percent.”
IMP’s managing director is still concerned, however. “Apart from the health issues involved in eating cheap, ready-made meals and calorie-rich fast food, there is also a cultural risk in becoming a quick-fix food society. If we lose the art of traditional homemade cooking then we lose something of our ancestry, something of our heritage.”

I.M.P. In Support As Portugal Takes On The Artworld
I.M.P. In Support As Portugal Takes On The Artworld This Year


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 23, 2012 - This years Rotterdam Cinema Festival looks set to throw the spotlight of modern popular culture onto the burgeoning trend of Portuguese cinema, with no fewer than ten Portuguese films being featured in the festival line-up, and one director – Rui Golart also receiving a nomination for an honourable mention by the festival’s panel of judges. This recognition is welcome indeed for a nation that, according to Portuguese news website theportugalnews.com “is striving to thrust its movie industry forward”. As IMP, a sales and marketing firm, has its home in Lisbon, the Managing Director has understandably come out in strong support of his country’s foray into the world of cinema. “I’m pleased to see the response the works of Rui Golart and others has received,” the MD commented recently, “Portugal has always had a rich and vibrant art scene and it can only be good for the country to share its talents with the world.”

1st Time, 16mm is filmed in Rui Golart’s homeland, as well as in various locations in France, Italy and Spain. It tells the story of a young movie-maker named Miguel who embarks on a series of adventures whilst filming his first motion picture. As reported on theportugalnews.com, the film was produced in 2008 with the support of Chiado Terrasse Filmes and is Golart’s seventh full-length film. The film first launched in Portugal in early 2009 and has since been shown in Denmark, Tokyo, Brazil and the USA, where it won recognition at the prestigious Los Angeles Movie Awards.

“I will be following this years festival closely,” said IMP’s Managing Director, “and I wish all entrants success in their chosen categories.”

Portugal is also dominating the world of short-films at this years Festival, showcasing four films in the ‘Spectrum Shorts’ category, as well the world premiere of short-length feature As Ondas (The Waves), described by the festival organisation as a movie wherein “the details of the relationship between two sisters is balanced out by the immensity of the ocean, the cliffs and the end-of-summer sky.”

Also featured recently on theportugalnews.com are three new Portuguese bands that will all be playing at one of the USA’s largest music festivals. Papercutz, Dead Combo and You Can’t Win, Charlie Brown will be performing at this years South by Southwest festival, an annual celebration of music and film, which is to be held in Austin, Texas from March 9th until March 18th.

The Managing Director of IMP will also be watching closely the future careers of these breakthrough acts; “The South by Southwest Festival has been running for twenty years. It is one of the most prestigious music events in the world, let alone North America, and the good response I feel these bands are sure to receive will surely help introduce a whole new global audience to Portuguese music.”

IMP On Cutting-Edge Research In Portugal
IMP On Cutting-Edge Scientific And Medical Research In Portugal


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 21, 2012 - Inaugurated on the 5th of October 2010, the ‘Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown’ is home to the Champalimaud Foundation, which was formed in 2004 following the death of influential Portuguese businessman António de Sommer Champalimaud. The businessman bequeathed a €500 million investment to the foundation. His vision was to create a centre for multidisciplinary and translational scientific investigation, within the areas of neurosciences and cancer research. “The centre is a haven for scientific research, and something Portugal should be proud of,” said a spokesperson for IMP, a Lisbon-based sales and marketing company. “There’s a real chance that we could see some very important discoveries being made there.”

The Centre comprises of two buildings. Building A houses diagnostic and treatment units, as well as the basic research laboratories, and Building B hosts an auditorium, exhibition area, and Darwin’s restaurant. In the Foundation’s words, it “expresses and reinforces the objectives of fostering scientific excellence and of celebrating discoveries while generously allowing access and enjoyment of the area to the general public.” More than 180 scientists work in the laboratory, carrying out groundbreaking research on the neural basis of behaviour, and within the field of cancer research. IMP commented that it was an extremely innovative leap to combine scientific research with educating and informing the public, in one building.

The Centre is soon to be home to a specially-equipped, single-dose image-guided radiotherapy unit, the most advanced cancer-treatment technology in the world. While the centre already uses similar technology, the new multi-million-euro unit will be equipped with specialised tools and new features that will make it unique on a global scale. The new machine will offer the ability to eliminate tumours, in a fourth of the time of conventional treatment, and with minimal side-effects. “This is groundbreaking technology,” said our source from International Marketing Portugal. “It should go a long way towards keeping Portugal at the forefront of the scientific community.”

The machine has already arrived in Portugal, following manufacture in California, and is currently being tested and calibrated, before treatments begin on eligible patients. The equipment is expected to be up and running by the end of April this year.


IMP Desenvolve o plano do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês de Portugal para reflorestar o parque com
IMP Desenvolve o plano do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês de Portugal para reflorestar o parque com 10.000 novas arvores até ao final do ano.


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 10, 2012 - A campanha lançada e desenvolvida em 2010 pela Tetre Park e pela companhia de lacticinios Agros é dirigida para os consumidores, e já angariou 18.000€ para a compra de especies de arvores indigenas tais como Carvalhos. Por cada pacote de leite colocado nos devidos recipientes para reciclagem, as companhias promotoras doam três centimos para a compra das arvores para a reflorestação das areas queimadas no parque nacional da PNPG. Um total de 590.000 embalagens foram reciclados, o que angariou os 18.000€ necessários para as 10.000 novas árvores. O Gestor-Director da IMP comentou "Esta provou ser uma causa meretória e está defenitivamente a valer a pena. As árvores dão-nos o oxigénio que nós necessitamos para sobrevivemos. São também o habitat de muitos animais. As árvores são vitais!"

Eliana Matos da Agros comentou que o grande sucesso da campanha advém do facto dos consumidores perceberem a mensagem da marca, que se foca na "Preservação do meio ambiente e da sua herança." O Director do parque natural, Lagido Domingos, emfatizou a "dupla importância" desta campanha, para motivar a sociedade a envolver-se na recuperação da terra que foi queimada. Uma fonte da IMP disse que "Eu admiro inteiramente os resultados que a Tetre Park e a companhia de laticinios Agros conseguiram!"

"O involvimento de estudantes é sempre util em termos de educação ambiental," acrescentou Lagido Domingos. Segundo o Sr. Domingos, cerca de 10.000 hectares do parque arderam em 2010, com cerca de 70,000 árvores identificadas como mortas ou morrendo como resultado. O Director da IMP comentou dizendo "Ouvir falar desta campanha á uns meses atrás e pensei que fosse uma ideia fantástica. Os resultados são brilhantes! Conseguiram angariar muito mais do que estava á espera."

Come Visit Lisbon! Rua dos Fanqueiros
Come Visit Lisbon! Rua dos Fanqueiros. Spread across steep hillsides that overlook the Rio Tejo, Lisbon offers all the delights you’d expect of Portugal’s star attraction.


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 10, 2012 - Spread across steep hillsides that overlook the Rio Tejo, Lisbon offers all the delights you’d expect of Portugal’s star attraction, yet with half the fuss of other European capitals. Gothic cathedrals, majestic monasteries and quaint museums are all part of the colourful cityscape, but the real delights of discovery lie in wandering the narrow lanes of Lisbon’s lovely backstreets.

As bright yellow trams wind their way through curvy tree-lined streets such as Rua dos Fanqueiros, Lisboêtas stroll through the old quarters, much as they’ve done for centuries. Village-life gossip in old Alfama is exchanged at the public baths or over fresh bread and wine at tiny patio restaurants as fadistas (proponents of fado, Portugal’s traditional melancholic singing) perform in the background.
Meanwhile, in other parts of town, visitors and locals chase the ghosts of Pessoa in warmly lit 1930s-era cafés or walk along the seaside that once saw the celebrated return of Vasco da Gama. Yet, while history is very much alive in centuries-old Lisbon, its spirit is undeniably youthful.
Rua dos Fanqueiros leads on to Praça de Figueira or ‘Square of the Fig Tree’, a large square in the centre of Lisbon. The area was totally destroyed in 1755 and opened as a market but this was torn down in 1885 and has remained an open space since.
Turning left from Rua dos Fanqueiros and Praça de Figueira brings you to Avenida da Boavista where the 1958 and 1960 Portuguese Grand Prix was held.
In the hilltop district of Bairro Alto, dozens of restaurants and bars line the narrow streets, with jazz, reggae, electronica and fado filling the air and revellers partying until dawn. Nightclubs scattered all over town make fine use of old spaces, whether on riverside docks or tucked away in 18th-century mansions.
The Lisbon experience encompasses so many things, from enjoying a fresh pastry and bica (espresso) on a petite leafy plaza to window-shopping in elegant Chiado. It’s mingling with Lisboêtas at a neighbourhood festival or watching the sunset from the old Moorish castle.
Just outside Lisbon, there’s more to explore: the magical setting of Sintra, glorious beaches and traditional fishing villages.

Lisbon. A look at Rua dos Fanqueiros
Lisbon. A look at Rua dos Fanqueiros. Coasts, castles, and beaches come with a stay in Lisbon (Lisboa in Portuguese). The warmest and westernmost capital in Europe


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 10, 2012 - Coasts, castles, and beaches come with a stay in Lisbon (Lisboa in Portuguese). The warmest and westernmost capital in Europe, Lisbon rises on seven hills situated along the Tejo River and its confluence with the Atlantic Ocean. The port made Lisbon—and Portugal—powerful in the 15th century; during this "Age of Discovery," ships sailed from Lisbon's harbor to the New World in search of gold and glory.
You can get a sense of the city during its medieval prime by strolling the cobblestone streets of Alfama, a centuries-old neighborhood once populated by nobles. It's fun to search for the family coat-of-arms fronting the 16th - to 18th-century houses. Along the winding streets such as Rua dos Fanqueiros, you pass shops, cafes, old churches, and even vendors selling canaries.

Following Rua dos Fanqueiros, you will come to praça de figueira (Square of the Fig Tree), a large square in the centre of Lisbon. It is part of the Baixa Pombalina, the area of the city reurbanised after the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, which includes Rua dos Fanqueiros.
The earthquake, also known as the Great Lisbon Earthquake, was a megathrust earthquake that took place on Saturday 1 November 1755, at around 9:40 in the morning. The earthquake was followed by fires and a tsunami, which almost totally destroyed Lisbon in the Kingdom of Portugal, and adjoining areas.
The high, stone walls of the Alfama's Castelo de São Jorge (Saint George's Castle) testify to its 5th-century beginnings as a fortress. Although the earthquake destroyed the original castle, the structures have been rebuilt. Kids will marvel at the peacocks that roam the gardens and you can pace the ramparts for a scenic city and water view.

Lisbon has an interesting Museu de Marinha (Maritime Museum). Hundreds of model ships from the 15th to 20th centuries details Portugal's naval prowess.
The Museu Nacional dos Coches (National Coach Museum) is a top city attraction. Housed in the former riding stables of the Belém Palace, the museum displays the 17th- to 19th- century coaches, carriages, sedan chairs, and children's buggies that belonged to the royal family. Some glitter, like the intricately carved and gilded 1708 ceremonial coach built for the marriage of Maria Ana to King João of Portugal.

In the 74,000-acre Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros, you can follow in the footsteps of the real dinosaurs who roamed this region 175 million years ago. The park's prints are one of the largest collections of sauropod (herbivore) and therapod (carnivore) prints ever found from the Jurassic period. Walk along the dino trail, or add to the adventure by riding a donkey.

International Marketing Portugal Urges That Education Pushes Business Growth.
International Marketing Portugal Urges That Education Pushes Business Growth.


PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 02, 2012 - Schools must take a leading role in boosting the number of youngsters who grow up to become successful entrepreneurs, says the Forum of Private Business (FPB). International Marketing Portugal agrees with the above statement with the Managing Director saying, ‘a great education definitely helps put youngsters ahead in the working world.’

The plea came through a submission to the All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group’s entrepreneurship inquiry, set up to consider the role of entrepreneurs in driving economic growth. The Managing Director of International Marketing Portugal has always been an entrepreneur, ‘the idea of being in control of my future is what motivated me to start my own business’ he continued.

Jane Bennett, the Forum’s head of campaigns says, ‘Schools are vitally important because they are essentially where young minds are honed and appetites for working life whetted.They have a vital role to play in encouraging entrepreneurial spirit, which is why we are calling for a greater focus by government on making sure schools are given the tools for the job. That includes a more appropriate curriculum and closer collaboration between schools and local business.’
The FPB adds that there should be more work experience and that ideally more pupils should be placed with smaller companies rather than big multinationals. This will help youngsters gain a greater understanding of what it takes to build a business as they would have the opportunity to spend time with the business owner. International Marketing Portugal is a successful sales and marketing company that is expanding throughout Portugal and Italy. ‘For many entrepreneurs their ideas of starting their own business stem from their school days,’ continues the MD of International Marketing Portugal.
‘In smaller businesses pupils have a better chance of working alongside more senior, experienced members of staff who actually have something useful to pass on. It beats working in a mail room at town hall or large corporate organisation,’ says Bennett.

Apple publishes supplier details for the first time IMP discuss the details that lead to that decisi
Apple publishes supplier details for the first time, IMP discuss the details that lead to that decision.


PRLog (Press Release) - Jan 31, 2012 - IMP is a major player in the sales and marketing industry in Portugal. The recent move to Italy has been at the top of the managing director’s mind in recent months and the time and effort has paid off. ‘The story regarding criticism of how works are treated is of interest to us as we believe a great working environment is key to our success,’ continues to MD of IMP.  Some of Apple's most popular gadgets are made by manufacturers based in Asia. Apple has published a list of its suppliers for the first time as it looks to head off criticism over how workers are treated. The company also said it has increased its inspection of factories in a bid to ensure proper working conditions for suppliers' employees.
Apple came under fire last year after workers committed suicide at factories owned by its supplier Foxconn. The tech giant had so far kept details of its supply chain secret. "Apple is committed to driving the highest standards for social responsibility throughout our supply base," the company said in its supplier responsibility report. With a Apple being such a massive company it is important that certain things don’t go unnoticed. Procedures and policies must be implemented to ensure all stakeholders are protected. This will ensure the smooth running of product development and the supply chain. The managing director of IMP relates to the above comments saying, ‘the more time and effort that is put into these details the more successful your company will be. Looking after the people that ensure your company’s success, however small their role is essential.’  
"We require that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made." Apple said it conducted 229 audits at different factories over the past year, during which it uncovered various cases of non-compliance of labour rights.
It said that it found that employees at 93 factories had exceeded their "weekly working hour limits", while there had been payment violations at 108 facilities. The company said it also found that five factories had employed underage workers, though that was due to "insufficient controls to verify age or detect false documentation". This discovery propelled Apple into action to sort out these issues and said that it was working closely with its suppliers to ensure that these issues were sorted out.
An important step in this process is for Apple to educate their supplier’s employees about their rights.  "Apple-designed training programs educate workers about local laws, their fundamental rights as workers, occupational health and safety, and Apple's Supplier Code of Conduct." IMP has achieved amazing success in recent years in the sales and marketing industry in Portugal. ‘Knowing what you need to improve on is essential, clearly Apple knew that they had to rectify their suppliers working conditions and they did. This is why they are so successful in their market place,’ continues the MD or IMP.

The End Or A New Beginning For Tourism Boards? IMP Discuss The Potential Outcome In More Detail.
The End Or A New Beginning For Tourism Boards? IMP Discuss The Potential Outcome In More Detail.


PRLog (Press Release) - Jan 31, 2012 - IMP is a successful sales and marketing company in Lisbon and understands the importance of tourism in Portugal. The managing director of IMP comments saying, ‘due to the fact that Portugal is a very popular destination for traveller it is important for the correct procedures are in place to ensure things are run smoothly.’ The president of the Algarve’s hotel association (AHETA) Elidérico Viegas, has defended the view that the country’s regional tourism boards should be shut down and two new entities created in their place, one exclusively dedicated to promoting tourism and managed by business people of the sector. It is expected that the government will announce plans to streamline tourist boards at the beginning of next week.
Speaking to Lusa News Agency, Mr. Viegas said that the Algarve’s regional tourism board, along with all other tourism boards in the country “should be extinguished” and replaced by two new organisations. Having a clear plan is important to the success of this operation. IMP can identify with the importance of this with their recent expansion into Italy. ‘It was vital for us to have a clear plan of action when we opened up in Italy. If we had not done so the expansion would not have been successful.’ Continues the managing director of IMP.
According to the minister, the regional tourism board model is out of date and “those who should manage tourism are the business people in that sector” with the state left with the role of “overseeing” progress. In agreement with Miguel Relvas, Elidérico Viegas defended the view that the promotion of tourism “cannot be committed to public entities” and should be carried out by regional tourism agencies “managed privately.”
The AHETA president defended the view that alongside those agencies, public organisations should also be created although “in cooperation with the private sector” that would be responsible for promoting tourism to regional public entities. “It would be a more flexible public entity, managed in cooperation with the private sector, without politics and which would not need as many staff as the current regional entities in their commissions and general assemblies,” he said. Last month, AHETA sent a proposal for the revision of the promotion of the tourism sector including some of the suggestions above, to the Minister for Economy, Employment and Transports, Álvaro Santos Pereira.
IMP has started the year with a bang! The director tributes this success to the fact that IMP never lost momentum over the holiday season. ‘Many companies close their doors for business between Christmas and new year which definitely slows things down. At IMP we have very big goals for 2012 which is why we went the extra mile over the holiday season and it has defiantly paid off.’ Continues the MD of IMP.

Road Watchdogs Want Drinking Limit Brought Down For Young Drivers, IMP Discuss The Benefits!
Road Watchdogs Want Drinking Limit Brought Down For Young Drivers, IMP Discuss The Benefits!


PRLog (Press Release) - Jan 19, 2012 - Source: http://www.theportugalnews.com/
IMP follows the report by the president of the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) has spoken in favour of reducing the legal drink-driving limit from 0.5 grams of alcohol per litre of blood, to 0.2 g/l for young drivers aged 18-24. The Managing Director of IMP, a highly successful sales and marketing company based in Lisbon, says ‘every measure should be taken to keep our roads a safer place, especially over the Christmas season.’
ANSR president Paulo Marques said that the reduction on the alcohol tolerance within that age group would be a “positive measure”, given that 34 percent of road deaths are found to have alcohol readings higher than the current legal limit of 0.5 g/l. ‘This is a very scary statistic, knowing this is the case; measures need to be taken to reduce accidents,’ the MD of IMP said.
IMP is based in Lisbon, the success they have had this year has enabled the company to open up a new office in Italy. The Managing Director of IMP states, ‘knowing what we needed to improve on and evaluating our performance is key to helping us move in the right direction. The same thing applies to lowering the drinking limit. Now that it’s a known fact that a huge percentage of accidents are caused due to alcohol action needs to be taken to ensure that this does not continue to happen.’
In 2001 the EU recommended that a 0.2 g/l limit be implemented for young drivers, a measure that is also already pencilled in the National Road Safety Strategy. This comes as last month it was revealed that in 2012 the legal drinking age for youngsters will be pushed up from 16 to 18. Following a series of worrying findings by different studies, the deputy State Secretary for Health said that as of next year the minimum age for drinking and buying alcohol will be increased as part of a set of measures to dissuade youngsters from drinking.
“It is not solely about upping the legal age for buying and consuming alcohol, it is also about implementing important measures regarding how it is advertised, the targets, and how they are targeted, as well as rules about where it is sold”, Fernando Leal da Costa said, speaking to Lusa News Agency. Leal da Costa explained that the measure which is to be implemented next year is based on “a public health concern”, as well as results from other countries where the legal drinking age is 18.
The deputy state secretary believes that selling alcohol to teenagers aged 16 “has led to clear abuses and, besides everything else, it is a well-known fact that alcohol is particularly more toxic in children and teenagers than it is in adults. Our concern imminently is one of public health”, he stressed, adding that alcohol-related diseases are weighing heavy on the health system, costing more than €200 million a year. IMP’s Managing Director agrees with all the reasons why this limit should be changed, saying, “this is a hugely important step in the right direction to improve road safety in Portugal”

IMP Examines How Retail Sales Signals Tough Christmas Ahead For High Streets.
IMP Examines How Retail Sales Signals Tough Christmas Ahead For High Streets.


PRLog (Press Release) - Jan 18, 2012 - IMP is a successful outsource sales and marketing company based in Lisbon  and they are ‘shocked’ at recent research that shows retail sales volumes fell 0.4% in November. However there has been a rapid increase in online sales. The Director of IMP comments saying, ‘consumers are moving with the times and moving to a more convenient way to shop. On-line shopping for the busy professional is ideal as it cuts out the crowds, queues and stress of shopping on the high streets.’

Britain's shoppers trimmed their spending on electronics and jewellery last month, as retail sales slipped by 0.4%. Many retailers rely on this time of year where spending should be at its peak. Due to the fact that more customers prefer the on-line experience it is imperative that retailors have an on-line presence. IMP conducts their business face-to-face and for the industries they represent it’s the best way to increase the market share for their clients. ‘This way our clients potential customers are reached directly and they don’t have to wait for customers to come to them,’ continues the MD of IMP.

Howard Archer, of consultancy IHS Global Insight, said the figures revealed it was "not a very merry start to the Christmas season for retailers". He added: "It is the Christmas period that is particularly vital for most retailers and the 0.4% drop in sales volumes in November indicates that they are having their work cut out to get pressurised and worried consumers to spend."
The ONS figures also tracked the rapid increase in online shopping, as consumers increasingly turn to the internet to buy everything from groceries to Christmas gifts. The ONS said the picture across different sectors was mixed, with clothes stores and DIY retailers reporting sales up on the same month last year, while sales of computers and telecoms, toys, watches and jewellery, rugs and carpets all declined. There are certain products that there will always be in demand. IMP represent clients product and services that will always be in demand which has shown IMP to be recession proof. The Managing Director of IMP expresses his excitement saying, ‘2011 has been a successful year for IMP and 2012 will be even bigger. What contributes to our success, unlike so many other businesses, is that our success is not seasonal.’
IMP Investigates Hackers That Have Leaked State Secrets
Central Penal Action and Investigation Department (DCIAP) has been the latest target by a group of computer hackers called LulzSec Portugal who leaked a confidential document regarding the Freeport shopping centre and submarine scandal cases.


PRLog (Press Release) - Jan 18, 2012 - They have promised more such action for this Friday. IMP is a sales and marketing company based in Lisbon is ‘shocked’ by the recent story to break the news. The Managing Director of IMP says, ‘this is an important message that is being sent to all companies with regard to their business practises and decisions.’  The leaked document, which is signed by DCIAP Director, Cândida Almeida, gave details of the investigation process carried out in the two cases and was taken from the National Public Prosecutors IT system and sent to the media on Sunday night.
In terms of the Freeport shopping centre, the document reveals that Mrs. Almeida wrote: ‘It is worth noting that the process involved an investigation by a team composed of Portuguese and British police, which the Public Ministry knew nothing about.’ Other passages in the text refer to many other parts of the investigation, rogatory letters (to France, Monaco, Greece, Jersey, the Isle of Man and the Cayman islands) and alleged meetings with the British ambassador in Lisbon. IMP is going to be following the story closely over the next few weeks to find out what else happens. This is not the first time hackers have taken a stand against the government and corporations. These kinds of groups refer to themselves as ‘hactivists’. The Managing Director says, ‘groups like this have a clear goal and mission when it comes to the work they do and they are proud of the work they do.’
The Portuguese media is taking these warnings more seriously. Since the November strike, the SIS has identified two individuals, who may be behind the cyber attacks, a crime punishable in Portugal with up to 10 years in prison. A source from IMP goes further to say, ‘even though the motivations from the hactivists are to create a cleaner way of conducting business this is actually a punishable offence.’
Speaking to Press TV this week, a computer systems security expert from website tugaleaks.com said that the latest hacks ‘had been previously announced by the hackers themselves on websites and social platforms.’ The authorities definitely have their work cut out for them and should be asking themselves when will the hactivists been satisfied with the work they do and stop? ‘IMP has had an incredibly successful year and 2012 will be the same. Just like we have big plans for 2012 I am sure that the hactivists also have a plan of action to continue their work,’ Continues the Managing Director of IMP.

IMP Discuss How Portugal Has Maintained Climate Change Ranking For 2012.
IMP Discuss How Portugal Has Maintained Climate Change Ranking For 2012.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 23, 2011 - IMP is excited to hear that Portugal ranks high in relation to other countries in climate change performance. Portugal is in 14th place on the index list of 58 countries with the best climate change performance, maintaining the position it held last year. The country was classified as “good” according to the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), released at the UN Climate Talks in Durban, South Africa, on 6 December. The Managing Director of IMP says, ‘it is great that Portugal ranks so high but there is definitely room for improvement. It is also up to the people in Portugal to play their part in improving the environment to help increase the ranking.’
Portugal maintained its place in 14th position overall in the rankings, reaching 22nd place in the emissions trends category, 14th position for its emission levels and 20th position for its climate policies. Quercus also considers that Portugal’s rankings are related to the current economic and financial crisis, which has “contributed greatly to the country only adhering to the Kyoto Protocol through internal measures.” IMP can relate the economic environment having an effect on everything. The Managing Director of IMP comments saying, ‘there are definitely things that you can’t control when it comes to running your business. This is why we focus all our efforts on what we can control to stay ahead of our competition and meet our clients’ needs.’
The 58 countries included in the CCPI are responsible for more than 90 percent of carbon dioxide emissions associated with energy. According to a statement issued by the UN, overall, it was deemed that “none of these countries has done enough to prevent dangerous climate change, leaving ranks one to three open. The next ranks went to three European countries, Sweden, UK and Germany.” With growing populations it is vital that everyone is conscious of what contributions they can make to maintain our environment.  The Managing Director of IMP is ‘astounded’ by the reports and goes further to say ‘this is definitely a reality check for all of us to take a stand and make better decisions towards our environment.’
IMP has had a successful year along with their expansion into Italy. The important thing to note is to keep an eye on the world we live in and not wait for the government to sort out environmental issues. If individuals do their bit then collectively it makes a massive different!

95% Of Users In Portugal Belonging To A Social Network. IMP Explains Further…
95% Of Users In Portugal Belonging To A Social Network. IMP Explains Further…


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 23, 2011 - Data collected by Ideiateca on behalf of Nova Expressão, revealed that 72% of internet users access the web from home, 88% of whom have a broadband connection, and 24% of users access it from the workplace. The 700 people who answered the questionnaire use the internet seven times per day and six times per day at weekends. A total of 97 percent of people use the internet for email, 84 percent use it to plan and book holidays, 53 percent book flights online, 57 percent look up real estate and 53 percent download music. Among the most common activities for internet users is visiting social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube, which were accessed by 95 percent of people questioned for the study, 62 percent of whom visit them on a daily basis. IMP, a company that is constantly growing - based in Portugal and has recently expanded to Italy, knows all the more that the internet is an essential tool for keeping in touch with people that you don’t see on a daily basis thus making it easier to communicate via webcam, email, social media etc.

Web surfing lasts on average for two hours and 18 minutes, and up to two hours and 36 minutes on the weekends. IMP’s Managing Director says “The importance of the internet to each person is as varied as people. There is no single value, good or bad, that the Internet brings to everyone. Each person’s experience is different.”

The study showed that the main topics of conversation were related to the news, related to life in general, to social life and to work. The lengthiest conversations are about work. People were questioned about the possibility of these modern communication tools no longer existing and how they would feel. Responses were mostly with loss of the internet 98%. 94% would miss mobile telephones, and 82% would miss the television, according to the study. Managing Director of IMP has said “We have passed the point (if it ever even existed) when the Internet could be shut down. The Internet will no sooner fade away than did language or printing.”

International Marketing Portugal’s Thoughts On The Latest Climate Change news.
International Marketing Portugal’s Thoughts On The Latest Climate Change news.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 23, 2011 - Over the past centuries toads, tortoises, blue tits, soay sheep and red deer have all began to reduce in size, species which are unable to adapt rapidly enough are in danger of extinction as ecosystems shift dramatically. The managing Director of International Marketing Portugal expresses his opinions on recent reports showing that animals at the top of their food chains – including humans – will grow to smaller sizes, have fewer offspring, and be more vulnerable to diseases saying that “It is certainly a concern, the decrease body size of animals and the size of plants. Also a great mystery and could well be down the climate change – however I suggest it is too early to blame the changing climate.”

The change would have a huge impact on the growing human population, with major food sources like fish expected to reduce in size and crops likely to grow smaller and less dependably than they do today. International Marketing Portugal’s Managing Director explains his perception of the situation, stating ‘the warmer the weather, the faster the metabolism of species which causes them to burn more calories. Animals usually are smaller in warmer climates because smaller bodies lose heat faster than larger animals.’

Recent analysis by the US Geological Survey and World Conservation Union found that two-thirds of the 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world could be lost in the next 50 years. Lower levels of sea ice have even resulted in polar bears getting smaller, according to a report in the Nature Climate Change journal. Managing Director of International Marketing Portugal believes that if this is indeed down to Climate Change, now is the time to reduce your carbon footprint.


IMP Explains Further How Portugal Is The European Country That Has Made Most Progress
IMP Explains Further How Portugal Is The European Country That Has Made Most Progress Over The Past Decade With Regards To How Many Students Complete Their A-level Equivalents.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 22, 2011 - Portugal has also met the European average of students going to University; currently, 1 in every 3 Portuguese 20-year-olds is studying in higher education. These results were made following a report by the National Committee for Education (CNE). They were made public by the chairwoman of that body, Ana Maria Bettencourt, during a conference held by the European Network for Education Committees, in Lisbon, on Monday. IMP’s Managing Director has said “For other countries that have worsened in realms of education- this is a great example for Portugal to set.”
The education chief made a point of warning about the need to guarantee “even higher standards” to regain the decades in which Portugal lagged behind. A source from IMP said “I hope this rise continues – it is essential for everyone to have great qualifications in this economy for them to be employable.”
Managing to recover lost time will entail, according to the CNE head, “resorting to extraordinary measures aimed at capturing people with little schooling”, as well as a “very special contribution from companies who should give more value to “better qualifications for newly hired employees”, and to back the professional development of their employees, allowing them to adjust their abilities to the demands of the labour market. IMP’s managing director has commented on this, saying, “I understand that there still is quite a long way to go in order to reach the standards but this is an incredible accomplishment for Portugal”


Internet Users In Portugal Stay Online For An Average Of Five Hours Per Day...
Data collected by Ideiateca on behalf of Nova Expressão, revealed that 72% of internet users access the web from home, 88% of whom have a broadband connection, and 24% of users access it from the workplace.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 10, 2011 - Data collected by Ideiateca on behalf of Nova Expressão, revealed that 72% of internet users access the web from home, 88% of whom have a broadband connection, and 24% of users access it from the workplace. The 700 people who answered the questionnaire use the internet seven times per day and six times per day at weekends. A total of 97 percent of people use the internet for email, 84 percent use it to plan and book holidays, 53 percent book flights online, 57 percent look up real estate and 53 percent download music. Among the most common activities for internet users is visiting social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube, which were accessed by 95 percent of people questioned for the study, 62 percent of whom visit them on a daily basis. IMP, a company that is constantly growing - based in Portugal and has recently expanded to Italy, knows all the more that the internet is an essential tool for keeping in touch with people that you don’t see on a daily basis thus making it easier to communicate via webcam, email, social media etc.

Web surfing lasts on average for two hours and 18 minutes, and up to two hours and 36 minutes on the weekends. IMP’s Managing Director says “The importance of the internet to each person is as varied as people. There is no single value, good or bad, that the Internet brings to everyone. Each person’s experience is different.”

The study showed that the main topics of conversation were related to the news, related to life in general, to social life and to work. The lengthiest conversations are about work. People were questioned about the possibility of these modern communication tools no longer existing and how they would feel. Responses were mostly with loss of the internet 98%. 94% would miss mobile telephones, and 82% would miss the television, according to the study. Managing Director of IMP has said “We have passed the point (if it ever even existed) when the Internet could be shut down. The Internet will no sooner fade away than did language or printing.”

IMP comments on how a Hawaiian surfer conquers record wave in Portugal
Hawaiian Garrett McNamara, 44, last week surfed what is being called the tallest wave ever ridden and made history.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 09, 2011 - Hawaiian Garrett McNamara, 44, last week surfed what is being called the tallest wave ever ridden and made history. The daredevil surfer who shattered a world record by riding a 90-foot-high wall of water says the monster wave "just popped out of nowhere" but that he was never afraid. McNamara is a professional big wave surfer and is part of an elite fraternity of extreme surfers who travel the world seeking gigantic waves. He's ridden breaks such as Waimea in Oahu, Mavericks in California and Todos Santos in Mexico. Yet the break in Nazare, Portugal, dubbed Praia do Norte, or North Canyon, can reach unusual size and power due to an irregular bottom that magnifies wave energy. "It's the only place in the world in which a giant canyon reaches all the way to the beach," McNamara said. "It's the most challenging, dangerous wave I've ever surfed." The Managing Director of IMP has commented on Garrett’s record, saying “It’s thrilling to hear of such an incredible story – 90 foot is an extreme height that could easily be the best ride or the last, however McNamara’s amazing talent and thirst for adventure made sure that it was his best!”

McNamara described the sensation as like skiing on the steepest, iciest trail on a big mountain "and then all of a sudden this avalanche starts coming after you and your turning to get away from the avalanche but you're actually staying as close as you can to it.” He added, "The scariest part is when you are coming down the wave and there is all this water coming down the wave and your feet are coming out of the straps." In a telephone interview, McNamara said a lot of careful planning goes into riding big waves. Based in Portugal, IMP is a company that experiences a different kind of speed, but with the same exciting outcome - with their recent expansion to Italy. A source from IMP has described Mr McNamara as ‘Inspiring’ saying, “After reading the article, I searched for the clip. I prepared for my jaw to drop and my heart to speed up – It was most definitely a spectacular sight!”

To ride these giants surfers rely on personal watercraft to tow them into the vast, fast moving mountains of water. Often the swells are so high it's hard to see what's on the horizon. IMP’s Managing Director has hailed Garrett McNamara as a Champion and commented saying “McNamara's ride destroyed the current Guinness World Record, Champion!”

http://abcnews.go.com/US/hawaiian-daredevil-surfer-survi ...

IMP Discusses The Discovery Of Nasa’s Kepler Space Telescope That Found 'New Earth'
The planet contains both land and water and has a "similar temperature to that of the Earth" of around 72 degrees (22 Celsius). It is 2.4 times the size of Earth and has a slightly shorter orbit than our planet, of 290 days.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 08, 2011 - IMP investigates a planet called Kepler 22b is more like Earth than any yet discovered and has been identified as a potential future home for mankind. Kepler 22b, which is 600 light years away and was discovered using Nasa's Kepler telescope which is on board the Kepler spacecraft. William Borucki, principal Keplar investigator at Nasa Ames Research Centre, said it was a "privilege" to unveil the discovery of the new planet.  “We are certain that it is in the habitable zone and if it has a surface it ought to have a nice temperature,” Mr Borucki said. IMP was excited to hear about the new discovery with the Managing Director of IMP saying, ‘what an important discovery, at the rate that the population is growing, who knows that the next 50 years will look like for our planet earth.’

The planet contains both land and water and has a "similar temperature to that of the Earth" of around 72 degrees (22 Celsius). It is 2.4 times the size of Earth and has a slightly shorter orbit than our planet, of 290 days.

There are now three planets outside the system, known as exoplanets, which experts believe could potentially be colonised by future generations. In May, French astronomers identified Gliese 581d, pronounced “gleezer”, which is far closer at around 20 light years away. A source from IMP goes further to say, ‘it’s a strange concept that only a few years ago did the internet become available to the public and now technology enables us to identify planets light years away and examining whether that might become our new home.’

In other related articles scientists have found 15 planets and 30 moons which could be habitable. A catalogue of habitable worlds is being compiled by scientists as soaring numbers of ''exoplanets'' are detected among the stars. Scientists have found hundreds of planets but believe most of gas giants like Jupiter which would not be able to support life.

One of the key criteria for a planet to be habitable is that it remains roughly the right distance from its main star to be neither too cold nor too hot. This range of ideal temperatures is known to scientists as the “Goldilocks” zone, as the temperature is “just right” for life.

Kepler 22b is the right distance from its star to have water, has a suitable temperature and contains the right atmosphere to potentially support life.
However, Kepler 22b, which was first seen in 2009, is the first the US space agency has been able to confirm as a potential new home for mankind. Confirmation means that astronomers have seen it crossing in front of its star three times. However, it does not signify that astronomers know whether life actually exists there, simply that the conditions are right. The thought that there is life out there beyond what we know is fascinating, the Director of IMP comments says, ‘I will definitely keep my eyes on news reports like this. It is difficult to even imagine what could be discovered in the next 10 years about what is really out there.’

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/8937173/Nasas-K ...

IMP Discusses How Americans See Good News In Portugal As Travel Increases In 2011
IMP is a fast growing sales and marketing company and is flourishing in the Portugal market and is excited to hear that the tourism in the country in on the up.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 08, 2011 - IMP is a fast growing sales and marketing company and is flourishing in the Portugal market and is excited to hear that the tourism in the country in on the up. Much has been written about Portugal in recent month, and of the many travel articles –Americans are voting and coming back with great reviews. The Managing Director of IMP is pleased saying, ‘Portugal is a beautiful country and I am glad that tourism can expect an increase after the great reviews from abroad.’

The country of Portugal is becoming increasingly popular among travellers from across the world. In fact, American tourists are spending 20 percent more in Portugal compared to previous year. Portugal offers a unique, European experience, as there are several distinct areas throughout the country visitors can explore. According to trip advisor the top destinations to visit in Portugal are Lisbon, Porto, Lagos, Cascais and Faro. The Managing Director of IMP is from America himself and understands the increasing desire his fellow countryman have to visit Portugal, ‘not only is Portugal a great market for our business to grow but Portugal is also an amazing place to live. We have recently expanded into Italy and the company is looking to expand into other European countries in 2012.’

According to a review about a trip to Portugal on trip advisor, “it’s easy to manage, very affordable, not far away, very friendly, delicious, filled with over 2000 years of history, and beautiful in countless, unique ways. It is a nonstop visual feast of dazzling azulejos (tiles), Manueline architecture, medieval castles, clear blazing skies, Roman ruins and dizzying vistas.”

In every country tourism plays an important role, especially for the Portuguese economy. It employs 3.5 per cent of the working population and is the most rapidly growing economic activity in Portugal. It has been pointed out that Portugal ‘has one of the fastest growing tourism sectors in Western Europe’. Managing Director of IMP goes further to say, ‘you don’t hear of many industries growing in the current market place so I am pleased to see that tourism is on the up. Our industry has a lot in common with the tourism industry in that it is also expanding.’

IMP is an outsourced sales and marketing company that specialises in face-to-face sales and marketing. They generate paying customers for their clients which is why they are growing and expanding into new markets.

http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=171 ...

IMP’s Thoughts On Algarve’s First On-line Crime Prevention Platform Being Launched
David Thomas, founder of the Independent Security Agency ISECA, unveiled ‘Safe Communities Algarve’, an online platform to promote crime prevention throughout the region.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 03, 2011 - David Thomas, founder of the Independent Security Agency ISECA, unveiled ‘Safe Communities Algarve’, an online platform to promote crime prevention throughout the region. ‘Safe Communities Algarve’ was made public during a British Consulate Outreach event held in Albufeira and attended by the British Ambassador to Portugal. Mr. Thomas explained: “Safe Communities Algarve will help promote the work of the police by providing crime prevention information, development of the Safe Residents Programme and various contact numbers etc. It will also act as a platform for specialist crime prevention services available in the private sector.” IMP’s Managing Director gave their opinion on this, saying, “It is important to keep residents informed with what is happening in regards to the policing system in their area.”

The services provided by Safe Communities Algarve are free of charge to residents and all will include updates to those who register. The platform will be further developed over the coming weeks. IMP’s Managing Director has commented on the services, describing them as ‘exceptional’ saying, “The new platform designed to promote crime prevention is exceptional and I look forward to seeing it develop and progress”

Despite limited resources this was accorded a high priority with officers specially selected for this role. One of the first actions taken by the team was to visit residents in the area in order to promote closer engagement and provide a direct contact number in case assistance was required. A source from IMP has said “This will prove to be worthwhile in short term and long term, it has already started paying off with much faster response times to emergencies and a decrease in household crime in the areas.”


IMP Explains Further Portugal’s Peneda-Gerês National Park Is To Be Reforested With 10k New Trees
The campaign launched and developed in 2010 by Tetre Park and the Agros dairy company is directed at consumers, and has raised €18,000 to purchase indigenous tree specimens such as oaks.


PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 02, 2011 - The campaign launched and developed in 2010 by Tetre Park and the Agros dairy company is directed at consumers, and has raised €18,000 to purchase indigenous tree specimens such as oaks. For each carton of milk that was placed in the yellow recycling bins, the promoting companies donated three cents to the purchase of trees to reforest the burnt areas at the PNPG national park. A total of 590,000 cartons were recycled, which raised the €18,000 needed for the 10,000 new trees. IMP’s Managing Director said “This has proven such a worthwhile cause and it is most definitely paying off. Trees give us oxygen which we need to survive. They also home many animals. Trees are vital!”

Eliana Matos from Agros said that the campaign’s big success was the fact that consumers understood the brand’s message, which focuses on “the preservation of the environment and heritage.” The natural park’s director, Lagido Domingos, emphasized the “dual importance” of this campaign, for motivating society to become involved in the recovery of land that was been burnt. A source from IMP stated that “I fully admire the results that Tetre Park and Agros dairy company have achieved!”

“The involvement of students is always useful in terms of environmental education,” Lagido Domingos, added. According to Mr. Domingos, around 10,000 hectares of the park were burnt in 2010, with around 70,000 trees having been identified as dead or dying as a result. IMP’s managing director has commented on this, saying, “I first heard of this campaign a few months ago and thought it was a fantastic idea. I’m thrilled with the results, They have raised much more than I expected.”
